Based on our many years’ experience in providing bridal limousines, we’d like to respectfully offer some of the following tips relating to bridal gowns and transport on the big day.
• Select one of our larger and more conventionally shaped luxury limousines. They may be easier to get into and out of in a dignified fashion on your big day. They may also provide just that little bit of extra internal and door space to make sure your gown doesn’t get overly creased.
• Consider bringing with you some sort of waterproof covering/cape just in case you are unlucky with the weather – umbrellas can be of limited use in windy conditions. Our chauffeurs will typically be only too happy to keep it in the car during the service so that you are not carrying it around with you. Your arrival at the service venue or reception can still be immaculately managed and you won’t look rain-spotted as you enter.
• Whatever tradition might theoretically dictate, some brides wish to travel with not only their father but also their mother and perhaps a bridesmaid or two. Remember though to allow plenty of space for your gown in the limousine and fully occupying all available seats might not always provide you with that space.
• If you select a very elevated headdress style, do discuss that with us in advance so that we can offer you advice on clearance in the vehicle you have selected. This is extremely unlikely to be any issue in the vast majority of cases but could be if you are opting for a very unusual (e.g. some medieval style) headdress or have selected a low clearance sportier vehicle.
Remember that we are a partner in your wedding planning and the more you share with us of your gown plans, the more likely we will be able to offer you the very best advice relating to your selection of one of our luxury limousines in Sydney.