Here at Bayside Limousines, we like to make our clients as welcome as possible when they are renting one of our vehicles.

We will always bend over backwards in terms of trying to accommodate your requirements but there are a few categories where it may be necessary to discuss things in a little more detail with us beforehand.
You may be amazed at what some people regard as pets and the animals they will occasionally try and take with them when travelling around.
As you might imagine, some animals can be rather more destructive to motor vehicles than others!
All of our vehicles are large and spacious – and that means the transport of luggage is typically not a problem.
However, if you are planning to transport any materials that are regarded as hazardous in any way, we would need to discuss this with you in advance. We would also be grateful for advance notification of your need to transport anything that could be prone to spillage or be classed as ‘dirty’.
Examples there might include paint and dye samples or small items of machinery that could conceivably leak oil.
Any of our vehicles will have a maximum seating capacity and that cannot be exceeded due to a combination of the law and insurance requirements.
Food and entertaining
All of our vehicles are categorised, within their classes, as luxury.
Some may come equipped with facilities for providing drinks but for reasons of cleanliness and hygiene, we may have to restrict the nature of foodstuffs consumed inside our vehicles.
For safety reasons, a chauffeur may also be obliged to refuse access to people who are inebriated and therefore not in full control of themselves.
Once again, don’t hesitate to ask our advice on this or speak to the chauffeur on the day.
Off-road use
In some hopefully unlikely situations, your chauffeur may need to reserve the right to refuse to take the vehicle to a destination or use a route you’ve requested, if he or she considers that it might prove dangerous to the vehicle and its occupants.
However for limos, Sydney shouldn’t offer too many challenges of that nature.
Keep in mind though that our entire inclination is to say yes to our clients’ requirements rather than no!