Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Law and Chauffeur-Driven Limousines

Occasionally on TV and in the films you will see a taxi driver or chauffeur on the receiving end of client instructions such as: • “Floor it”• “loose the car behind”• “put your toe down” The instruction usually results in a compliant chauffeur initiating a manic car drive through city centre streets with all too […]

What Happens when Something Goes Wrong with Limo Hire?

Our vast experience and professionalism mean that we simply don’t make mistakes nor do we believe in customer-visible ‘bad luck’. So, what you will never be on the receiving end of from us is that dreaded phone call to say that your vehicle won’t be there because “it’s broken down”, “the chauffeur has a cold” […]

Technology and Luxury Limousine Hire

We’re sometimes asked what technology comes with our luxury limousines. That is technology in the client-use sense rather than what’s associated with running the vehicle itself! Of course, that depends upon the specific vehicle you have selected. However, certain of our vehicles will include one or several of the following: • DVD players• Internet connections• […]

Petrol or Diesel Engine – What’s the Difference?

From an originally fairly small beginning, the ‘ordinary car’ diesel engine is becoming increasingly popular in Australia. Yet we still get asked occasionally what the difference is between the petrol and diesel engine? Sadly, in a brief blog of this nature, we really don’t have the space to go into an engineering discussion – so […]

Why Take Chances with Unfamiliar Road Systems?

A recent news story received a lot of coverage in Australia. It involved an American tourist in Thailand who set off driving the wrong way down the street and in the process, collided with and seriously damaged no less than 13 other vehicles. Fortunately nobody was killed and although several vehicles were wrecked, the injuries […]

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